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How to find all Siblings of the currently selected DOM object

What is the perfect way to find all nextSiblings and previousSiblings in JavaScript. I tried few ways but not getting accurate solution. If any element is selected, I need to get length of all next siblings excluding white-space, any spaces or line-breaks.

Also I don't want to use jQuery for this. I am specifically looking something from JavaScript


  • I'll assume that this takes place inside an event handler where this is a reference to the targeted element whose siblings you want to affect.

    If not, adjustments will be needed.

    var result = [],
        node = this.parentNode.firstChild;
    while ( node ) {
        if ( node !== this && node.nodeType === Node.ELEMENT_NODE ) 
          result.push( node );
        node = node.nextElementSibling || node.nextSibling;
    // result will contain all type 1 siblings of "this"