Maybe it's already implemented in F# ?
basically i would like to define a class of generic filter functions with infix operators, so something which would look like
type Filter<'T> = ('T -> bool) with
static member (|*) (f:Filter<'T>) (g:Filter<'T>) = (fun x -> (f x) ||
(g x)) // OR operator
but this is not the right syntax it seems
Stopped due to error System.Exception: Operation could not be completed due to earlier error Type abbreviations cannot have augmentations at 2,5 Type abbreviations cannot have members at 3,19
What you are defining there is a type abbreviation, which, as the errors will indicate, can neither have augmentations nor members. You could fix that by using a single case discriminated union:
type Filter<'T> = Filter of ('T -> bool) with
static member (|* ) (Filter f, Filter g) =
Filter(fun x -> f x || g x) // OR operator
Of course, you now need to unwrap the predicate function prior to the boolean operation, and wrap the composed function again afterwards. A simple test...
let odd x = x % 2 <> 0
let big x = x > 10
let (Filter f) = Filter odd |* Filter big in [8..12] |> List.filter f
// val it : int list = [9; 11; 12]