I have an IDL function that takes in up to 4 data variables: data1
, data2
, data3
and data4
. I want to be able to access the level=-1 scope of these variables in a loop using a string construct for the data variable name, so I can document the name of the original data that was passed to the function in an efficient manner.
Here's a simplified version of the function, showing only pertinent parts.
Function funcData, dat1, dat2, dat3, dat4,
txt = "Data "
;Check that data variable n was passed.
WHILE N_ELEMENTS(scope_varfetch("dat"+strtrim(n+1,1), level=0, /enter)) $
dat = scope_varfetch("dat"+strtrim(n,1), level=0, /enter) ; get data
txt=txt + scope_varname("dat"+ strtrim(n,1), level=-1) +", " ; data names
n+=1 ; update n
The problem is that scope_varfetch handles the concatenated string construct "dat"+strtrim(n,1) and returns the appropriate data set, but scope_varname does not, returning a blank.
Does anyone know why this is happening? Is there another way I can do this (short of brute force, case format)?
I have tried to search for an answer on-line, but have not been able to find anything about using string constructs in the IDL scope functions.
A Facebook contact provided this solution:
result=execute('sv=scope_varname(dat'+ strtrim(n,1)+', level=-1)') txt=txt + sv + ", "
Works perfectly.