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Alternative ways of transmitting session ID in Shiro

I am not sure if I am using the right terminology, but I was looking at the documentation and trying to work out if I could achieve the following with Shiro:-

  1. Allow the user to login via a post of JSON
  2. Check credentials and send a session ID to the user (probably on the header)
  3. For every subsequent request, send the session ID transmitted on the login response on the request header
  4. Use a SessionDAO which stores the session data in the DB (thereby creating a "sessionless" application).

I know how to create the session DAO, but I wasn't sure how to set the current subject on a web application. Is this possible? Is there any reason not to do this?


  • If you need to manage a session then the application is not sessionless. That said, take a look at the [DefaultWebSessionManager].( Though, if you are going through the hassle of setting a header anyway, you could just set the cookie header, and use this implementation as is.