Hey Im totally out of my depth and my brain is starting to hurt.. :(
I need to covert an integer so that it will fit in a 3 byte array.(is that a 24bit int?) and then back again to send/receive this number from a byte stream through a socket
I have:
NSMutableData* data = [NSMutableData data];
int msg = 125;
const void *bytes[3];
bytes[0] = msg;
bytes[1] = msg >> 8;
bytes[2] = msg >> 16;
[data appendBytes:bytes length:3];
NSLog(@"rtn: %d", [[[NSString alloc] initWithData:data encoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding] intValue]);
//log brings back 0
I guess my main problem is that I do not know how to check that I have indeed converted my int correctly which is the converting back that I need to do as well for sending the data.
Any help greatly appreciated!
You could use a union:
union convert {
int i;
unsigned char c[3];
to convert from int to bytes:
union convert cvt;
cvt.i = ...
// now you can use cvt.c[0], cvt.c[1] & cvt.c[2]
to convert from bytes to int:
union convert cvt;
cvt.i = 0; // to clear the high byte
cvt.c[0] = ...
cvt.c[1] = ...
cvt.c[2] = ...
// now you can use cvt.i
Note: using unions in this manner relies on processor byte-order. The example I gave will work on a little-endian system (like x86).