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Creating a Junction Point on a remote Server (Networkdrive)

I'm trying to create Junction Points in PowerShell. This command on my local Drive works very well:

$Local = New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path C:\install\junction -value C:\cygwin64

This is the same command but for a Network Drive (Remote Server)

$Netwo = New-Item -ItemType Junction -Path I:\TRANSFER\Junction -value I:\somewhere

This command does not throw an error, so the junction point got successfully created

I also tried to do it with UNC-path \\server\share\somewhere and even with the Local Path from the server like D:\Data\somewhere but it still doesn't let me access the Junction I created on the Remote Server.

Does anybody know why?

This is the error screenshot, unfortunately in german, but it basically says "the path is not available"

enter image description here


  • The sysinternals junction util mentions:

    Note: that Windows does not support junctions to directories on remote shares.

    I can't find any MS KB article that confirms this, but I'm inclined to believe Mark Russinovich on this as he really knows his stuff.