I have a virtual machine mounted from the vagrant with Official Ubuntu Server 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) builds, I set up an environment with PHP 5.6, Mysql and apache 2 in this virtual machine, however I did some tests with PHP, and I noticed that the case sensitive does not work, I already had some Problems in file calls in the production environment because of case sensitive, it would help me a lot to be able to identify this in the development, does anyone know what could be happening?
include_once "Filecamelcase.php";
$teste = new teste();
echo $teste->teste();
class Teste {
function Teste(){
return "teste";
As commented. A Linux filepath is case sensitive.
On the other hand, PHP code interpretation is independent of operating system. PHP has his own rules for that behavior even if these rules are a bit annoying or mysterious. Basically:
Case insensitive
functions, class constructors, class methods, keywords and constructs (if, else, null, foreach, echo etc.)
As you can see in the link below: https://stackoverflow.com/a/33273959/1628790