I have found this function on buildinternet.com.
function tag_it($text) {
$text = preg_replace("/:(\w+):/", '<a href="http://www.example.com/page/$1/" title="$1" target="_blank">$1</a>',$text);
return $text;
What it does is adding hyperlinks to words enclosed in ":" and the problem is that it works only with single words and it doesn`t work with words that has a single quote.
So if I do this,
$test = "one :word1:, :two words:, :this is a phrase:, this has a single quote :don't: or :don't forget:.";
echo tag_it($test);
only to the :word1: will be added a hyperlink, the rest will be ignored.
I don`t know too much php and I would appreciate if someone could make the function work with more than one word and with a single quote too.
Thank you!
So I have tried the following to add a different link to words enclosed in "#"
function tag_it($text) {
$out = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) {
$linkText = $m[1];
$link = str_replace('"', '', $m[1]);
$link = str_replace("'", "", $m[1]);
$link = str_replace(" ", "_", $link);
return '<a href="http://www.example.com/page/'.$link.'/" title="'.$linkText.'" target="_blank">'.$linkText.'</a>';
function($m1) {
$linkText1 = $m1[1];
$link1 = str_replace('"', '', $m1[1]);
$link1 = str_replace("'", "", $m1[1]);
$link1 = str_replace(" ", "_", $link1);
return '<a href="http://www.example.com/blog/'.$link1.'/" title="'.$linkText1.'" target="_blank">'.$linkText1.'</a>';
return $out;
$test = "one :word:, #two words#, :this is a phrase:, this has a single quote :don:'t or :don't forget:.";
echo tag_it($test);
and i get this
one word, two_words,_/" title="//www.example.com/blog/two_words/" title="two words" target="_blank">two words, " target="_blank">//www.example.com/blog/two_words/" title="two words" target="_blank">two words, this is a phrase, this has a single quote don't or don't forget:.
It seems to work for the 1st word enclosed in ":" and is trying to work with the words enclosed in "#" too but something is happening along the way and I can`t figure it out.
Any tip is really appreciated.
Thank you!
I'll let you finish it off, above are all valid, but leave you with broken links, so building on them, I'd do something like:
function tag_it($text) {
$out = preg_replace_callback(
function($m) {
$linkText = $m[1];
$link = str_replace('"', "", $m[1]);
$link = str_replace("'", "", $m[1]);
return '<a href="http://www.example.com/page/'.$link.'/" title="'.$linkText.'" target="_blank">'.$linkText.'</a>';
return $out;
You'll need to finish it off to replace spaces with - or _ or something but should be easy enough to work it out.