Search code examples

How to change background-color and color both respectively on js color picker?

How to change background-color and color of any element e.g. input box or a div respectively on same event on js color picker

<div class="search-div" style="margin:-60px auto;">
  <input type="text" max-length="255" id="rect" placeholder="Search" class="search-box"/>
  <button class="btn btn-md btn-warning jscolor {valueElement:'valueInput',styleElement:'rect'}">Click here to pick a color</button>

i have use jscolor.js to pick color and apply it to input box

jscolor script link

what i have try jsfiddel link

i want to change both colors - background-color and text-color respectively


  • Try That

    var options = {
        valueElement: "valueInput",        
        width: 300,
        height: 120,
        sliderSize: 20,
        position: 'top',
        insetColor: '#CCC',
        backgroundColor: '#202020'
    var pickers = {};
    function update () {
        document.getElementById('rect').style.backgroundColor = pickers.changeBackgroundColor.toHEXString();
    pickers.changecolor = new jscolor('change-color', options);
    pickers.changecolor.onFineChange = update;
    pickers.changeBackgroundColor = new jscolor('change-backgroundColor',options);
    pickers.changeBackgroundColor.onFineChange = update;
    <script src=""></script>
      <input type="text" max-length="255" id="rect" placeholder="Search" class="search-box"/>
      <button id="change-backgroundColor">Click here to pick a background color</button>
      <button id="change-color">Click here to pick a font color</button>