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Adobe AEM 6.1 Start up failed after Service Pack 2 upgrade

We require help.

We are applying Service Pack 2 to AEM 6.1 and SP2 deployment failed with Error 500. Unfortunately we've started the AEM and startup failed due to missing bundles or in correct bundle dependencies. We restored AEM from backup a which we took before night but while starting we received below error.

Any help to recover the instance is appreciated.

 * [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.nodetype.TypeEditorProvider Node type change for cq:PollConfig requires repository scan: org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plu
                org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.nodetype.NodeTypeDefDiff$PropDefDiff[itemName=target, type=TRIVIAL, operation=MODIFIED],
                   org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.nodetype.NodeTypeDefDiff$PropDefDiff[itemName=source, type=MAJOR, operation=ADDED]


  • In general, whenever a node type definition is changed, OAK triggers a scan to ensure the consistency of the repository. AEM 6.1 SP2 upgrade has a few node type definition changes and depending on the size of your repository the full scan (which is basically an in-depth node traversal) could take a substantial amount of time (several hours).

    The message you are seeing in the log is an INFO message and not an error. If you keep monitoring your logs, you will eventually see something like:

    [FelixStartLevel] org.apache.jackrabbit.oak.plugins.nodetype.TypeEditorProvider Node type changes: [cq:PollConfig, cq:PollConfig]; repository scan took <time duaration>ms

    The startup is slow and hasn't failed unless you see errors from repository scans or other causes. Post an error if you see one and it can be looked at.

    You can also try running the consistency checks via oak-run tool to verify the repository state after the upgrade. Detailed instructions can be found below:

    Note that this tool can work on offline repositories so you don't need a running instance to check for issues.

    It is also recommended to install critical hotfixes and service packs using the crx-quickstart/install folder. Leave the packages in this folder after installation as they won't reinstall after subsequent startups but deleting some packages may uninstall them.

    Hope this helps.