I'm trying to configure an installer for some software we use within the company.
The installer is pushed out to target machines via SMS, and it performs the following steps:
What we want it to do is launch the installed executable (as the currently logged in user, not the system account which the SMS job runs as) once step 3 is completed.
I've tried adding a custom action as follows:
<CustomAction Id="Relaunch" Impersonate="yes" Return="asyncNoWait" FileKey="AppExeFile" Execute="commit" ExeCommand="acm" />
And in the InstallExecuteSequence
element I have the following:
<Custom Action="Relaunch" OnExit="success" />
However when we try this, either as a SMS job or executing as an administrator nothing happens (e.g. the app isn't relaunched).
Any suggestions?
Unfortunately it would seem this isn't possible - I suppose it might be an option to write an extension for the MSI which does what I need in code some how - although it seems like a lot of work for a little reward.
What we've decided to do is use SMS to send out a chained package - the primary one which executes our application, which first depends on the installer being run.
Hope this helps someone else :)