I need to agregate power data from 8 different PDUs.
So far: - I've created a template with OIDs to poll by SNMP the desired value and I called it: Amps Total. - I've created 8 different hosts using the template and it works OK. I can see the Amps Total being graphed for all the devices. - I've created a fake host to use as "Data Centre" object. - I've created a new template with 8 items Type "Calculate", Formula: last("PDU-B1-L:Amps Total")+last("PDU-B1-R:Amps Total")
(PDU-B1-L & PDU-B1-R are my PDU hostnames).
I was expecting to see the agregate data (at least for the 2 PDUs), but nothing is being shown. All the data type is Numeric (Unsigned).
Those hosts are being polled through a Zabbix proxy. I replaced the hostname by proxy:host:key in the formula with no luck. (the host config shows proxy:host as the hostname)
Any clue?
You have to use item keys in the calculated item formula. Given that spaces are not supported in item keys, "Amps Total" most likely is item name.