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Get one or more files from Source Control Explorer into TEMP folder

I am working on VFP projects, but our source control is TFS. I would like to be able to get files from TFVC and redirect them from the workspace into the TEMP folder so I can easily use a 3rd party file compare utility against them. I can do this with Vault source control. Is there a way to get a file from TFS source control and put it into the TEMP (or any other folder) without creating the project folder structure (making a new Workspace pointing to the temp folder creates the folder structure)?


  • There isn't the build-in feature to redirect files into other folders.

    You can create a new workspace and add mappings to the corresponding folders, then switch workspace that you want and get files.

    If you want the different folder structure, you can map the corresponding server folders to different folders. More information, you can refer to Optimize your workspace.