I'm using react-native-router-flux.
I'm aware one can show/hide the navbar per scene by using hideNavbar
on the respective scene like so:
const scenes = Actions.create(
<Scene key="root">
<Scene key="main" component={mainComponent} initial={true} hideNavBar={true}/>
<Scene key="secondary" component={secondaryComponent} hideNavBar={false} />
I need to toggle the navbar on/off dynamically depending on the state of the current Scene.
The readme says:
Highly Customizable Navigation Bar - Show/hide the navbar depending on Scene or even the state of a Scene (e.g. Edit/Save navbar for edit mode).
I didn't find any detailed instructions for that though. Can anyone please advise or provide a link to an example?
Thank you!
From the Readme:
will update the properties of the current screen.
To update mounted scene programmatically, you can simply do:
Actions.refresh({key: 'yourSceneKey', hideNavBar: true});
Feel free to put any other props there, for example you can also change the title of your scene with this refresh function.