I am using mocha, nodejs and pg-promise connecting to a Postgres db. I am wondering how can I unit test a function that executes a DML? This is just a simple example:
export function insertUser(db, { firstName, lastName }) {
`, { firstName, lastName });
If there is a typo in the query, how can the unit test capture it? I can create a test db, creating temporary tables on the fly but this will cause my test to slow down.
Given that the db variable is a function parameter, unit-testing this type of code will be straight-forward.
Go ahead and install a mocking library. We have had good success with sinonjs.
npm install sinon --save-dev
With the mock library in place you can now create the unit-test, something along the lines as follows:
const should = require('should'),
sinon = require('sinon'),
helper = require('your-db-module');
describe('DB functions', () => {
describe('insertUser', () => {
const { insertUser } = helper;
it('correctly inserts a new user', () => {
const db = {
one: sinon.stub()
insertUser(db, { firstName: 'john', lastName: 'doe' });
db.one.calledWithExactly('INSERT INTO users(firstName, lastName) VALUES($<firstName>, $<lastName>)', { firstName: 'john', lastName: 'doe'}).should.eql(true);
That should set you off on the right foot.