I was just thinking about passwords, is interleaving the letters of several words a good method of creating a strong password? IE
word1 = "quick"
word2 = "brown"
word3 = "vixen"
password = "qbvuriioxcwnknn"
it seems like it would be strong against a dictionary attack and brute forcing. Is there a method that this is weak against?
Definitely a question for Information Security Stack Exchange (as Thriggle pointed out in comments), but regardless, I'll pitch in some thoughts.
If you interleave the letters of words, you face a few pros and a few cons:
As I find the probability of letters in the password to be the most interesting negative effect of this system, I'll dive into that one a little further.
If I know your password uses three 5-letter words interleaved with one another, then I would start out with a dictionary of all five-letter words in the English language and begin with words that start with one of the following: t o a w b c d s f m r h i y e g l n p u j k
(most frequent first letters in English words) From that sublist, I would choose words that end with: e t d s
(most frequent last letters in English words), and then just combine and interleave. After all, for each series of 3 words, there are only 6 possible options arrangements.
In the worst case scenario, I find out you used zymes
, zamia
, zooid
. However, even if you did use the last possible word combination, I will still find your password in a relatively low timeframe compared to using even 15 random base64 characters, because there are only 323,727,260,476 (323.7 billion) combinations of 5-letter English words (using a rather complete 12,478 word list of 5-letter English words). On the other hand, had you just used 15 random Base64 characters, there would have been 1.2 octillion possible combinations (1.2x10^28
Now, all of that said, that's assuming an attack where I know that you're using three 5-letter English words. If I don't know anything and I still try a dictionary followed by the combinations of 15 base64 characters, then the password is perfectly fine because I will never be able to bruteforce it. However, the key weakness here is that if I know anything your password pattern, then a significant amount of security is immediately lost because the pattern is not overly complex. So this password scheme is a case of security through obscurity. (Which is generally discouraged.)