How can one write unicode/utf-8 to a file in MemoryStore?
Normally I can just do the following
fs := FileSystem workingDirectory.
file := fs / 'file.txt'.
file writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream << '彼得' ].
file contents. "'彼得'"
the stream
there is a MultiByteFileStream
However when I try to do the same on memory storage, I and up with an error
fs := FileSystem memory.
file := fs / 'file.txt'.
file writeStreamDo: [ :stream | stream << '彼得' ].
Error: Improper store into indexable object
Because stream
there is an ordinary WriteStream
I've tried to work around it by directly instantiating MultiByteFileStream
, however that seems to require real file.
Is there another way?
It looks like the memory file system doesn't handle multibyte files by default. Try:
| fs file stream |
fs := FileSystem memory.
file := fs / 'file.txt'.
stream := MultiByteBinaryOrTextStream on: (fs open: file writable: true).
stream converter: UTF8TextConverter new.
[ stream << '彼得' ] ensure: [ stream close ].