I'm trying to run this script by typing ~/scripts/recomposeUi.zsh
but am receiving the following error when doing so:
/Users/me/scripts/recomposeUi.zsh:2: command not found: dcrs
Here is my script, recomposeUi.zsh:
cd ~/myProject/ && npm run build && docker build -t wm . && cd ~/projectTwo/ && dcrs && cd ~/myProject/
Here is my .zshrc:
alias dcd='docker-compose down'
alias dcu='docker-compose up -d'
alias dcp='docker-compose pull'
alias dcrs='dcd && dcp; dcu'
What is going wrong?
is executed in interactive shell.
Shell for script isn't interactive.
Try to move your aliases to .zshenv
(executed always) or add to head of your script command source ~/.zshrc
(manually read)