I have one Chart and three ChartArea that are aligned in view, zoom, cursor: this is my related previous post. All things works well except that the three ChartArea are not aligned at the beginning. Following an image of the problem:
I think it depends from the digit's number of Y values axis. From some research I try the following configuration:
// selezione e zoom
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].CursorX.Interval = 1;
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].CursorX.IsUserEnabled = true;
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].CursorX.IsUserSelectionEnabled = true;
// generale
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "dd/MM/yy - HH:mm:ss.fff";
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].AxisX.ScaleView.Zoomable = true;
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "D5";
In witch the last row:
dlChart.ChartAreas[VOLTAGE_AREA].AxisY.LabelStyle.Format = "D5";
should specifies always five digits. This mitigate in some way the problem but it doesn't desappers. Furthermore with this row the program starts to throws very lots exceptions of form below any time I scroll the graph:
Generate exception: 'System.FormatException' in mscorlib.dll
Does anyone knows the solution for this problem? Thanks in advance.
Have you tried using the chart area alignment options? I would try something like:
//define inner plot position of the chart areas
dlChart.ChartAreas[0].InnerPlotPosition.Auto = true;
dlChart.ChartAreas[1].InnerPlotPosition.Auto = true;
dlChart.ChartAreas[2].InnerPlotPosition.Auto = true;
//set our second chart area's alignments to match our first chart area
dlChart.ChartAreas[1].AlignmentOrientation = AreaAlignmentOrientations.Vertical;
dlChart.ChartAreas[1].AlignmentStyle = AreaAlignmentStyles.All;
dlChart.ChartAreas[1].AlignWithChartArea = dlChart.ChartAreas[0].Name;
//set our third chart area's alignments to match our first chart area
dlChart.ChartAreas[2].AlignmentOrientation = AreaAlignmentOrientations.Vertical;
dlChart.ChartAreas[2].AlignmentStyle = AreaAlignmentStyles.All;
dlChart.ChartAreas[2].AlignWithChartArea = dlChart.ChartAreas[0].Name;