i have a gridview with a item Template with a textbox, so i create a datatable in memory and assign to the gridview, but the values doesn't assign to the textbox in the item template.
How i assign a value of my datatable to the control inside grid.
doesn't put the property of text.
Dim tbnotasAlumnos As New DataTable
For Each fila As DataRow In tbAlumnnoCurso.Rows
tbnotasAlumnos = conexion.consultaNotaMateriaAQP(tbAlumnnoCurso.Rows(numero)(0).ToString, ddlmaterias.SelectedValue, txtQuimestre.Text, txtparcial.Text)
'fill the textboxes
numero = numero + 1
how i can do it?
You need not only to find the control, but also to cast it to specific type. That will give you an access to textbox's properties
Dim txt As TextBox = CType(grdNotas.Rows(numero).Cells(2).FindControl("txtf1"), TextBox)
txt.Text = "value"