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What is the RSA Algorithm used by C# by default, and what is it's appropriate parameter in Crypto++?

I am studying encryption and during that process, I stumbled upon this C# Code..

//Encrypts a string with RSA public key
public static string EncryptTextRSA(string text, int keySize, string publicKeyXml)
    var encrypted = RSAEncrypt(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(text), keySize, publicKeyXml);
    return Convert.ToBase64String(encrypted);

//Rsa encryption algorithm
public static byte[] RSAEncrypt(byte[] data, int keySize, string publicKeyXml)
    using (var provider = new RSACryptoServiceProvider(keySize))
        return provider.Encrypt(data, OAEP);

The information derived (from the PHP Backend) ends up like this:

Private Key:


And resulting generated C# Program Generated ciphertext:


I have been attempting to implement the same with Crypto++ in Visual Studio 2014, with issues ranging from the lack of automatic XML parsing and the general ability to import a pre-generated modulus and exponent.

My C++ Code is as such:

std::string base64ToHex(std::string base64String)
    std::string decodedString, finalString;
    CryptoPP::StringSource river(base64String, true,
        new CryptoPP::Base64Decoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(decodedString)));

    CryptoPP::StringSource stream(decodedString, true,
        new CryptoPP::HexEncoder(new CryptoPP::StringSink(finalString)));

    finalString.erase(std::remove(finalString.begin(), finalString.end(), '\n'), finalString.end());

    return finalString;

std::string RSAEncryptString(std::string message, std::string modulus, std::string exponent)
    char modulusCharred[1024];
    strncpy_s(modulusCharred, base64ToHex(modulus).c_str(), sizeof(modulusCharred));
    modulusCharred[sizeof(modulusCharred) - 1] = 0;

    char exponentCharred[1024];
    strncpy_s(exponentCharred, base64ToHex(exponent).c_str(), sizeof(exponentCharred));
    exponentCharred[sizeof(exponentCharred) - 1] = 0;

    Integer n(modulusCharred);
    Integer e(exponentCharred);

    RSA::PublicKey pubKey;
    pubKey.Initialize(n, e);

    Integer m, c; m = Integer((const byte *), message.size()); c = pubKey.ApplyFunction(m);
    std::stringstream ssr; ssr << hex << c;

    return (ssr.str());

Generated ciphertext (by C++ Implementation, using different private key):


When attempting to decrypt the cipher text (with it's corresponding private key, it does not recognise it, unlike the C# example, where it does)

The code is based off of Crypto++'s RAW RSA Encryption Wiki, what is the algorithm used by default in C# and how can that be replicated in Crypto++ (encrypting in the same algorithm as the one used in C# with the Public Key - I'm not able to pull that from the backend just yet)


  • The OAEP value isn't visible in your code sample, so I can't answer without a conditional.

    If OAEP is false then the C# code is doing RSAES-PKCS1-v1_5. The CryptoPP equivalent is RSAES_PKCS1v15_Encryptor/RSAES_PKCS1v15_Decryptor.

    If OAEP is true then the C# code is doing RSAES-OAEP with SHA-1 as the PRF. The CryptoPP equivalent is RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Encryptor/RSAES_OAEP_SHA_Decryptor (see the example).

    Your code seems to be doing raw RSA. Raw RSA is dangerous (, many others). The libraries that expose it are mainly trying to not be in your way if some other padding scheme were to be invented / specified on a protocol you are conforming to.

    .NET does not expose raw RSA.