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LocalBroadcastManager: Receive events when app is closed

I try to integrate the beaconinside sdk into my app and I want to receive the events sent through the Beaconservice even when my app is closed and removed from the app drawer (recent apps).

Now my code looks like so


public void onCreate() {

    // init beaconinside sdk using my token
    BeaconService.init(this, API_TOKEN);


public class BeaconHandler extends BroadcastReceiver {
    // ...

    public void onReceive(Context context, Intent intent) {
        // ...


public class BackgroundBeaconservice extends IntentService {
    // ...
    public void onCreate() {
        // setup intent filter for beacon events
        IntentFilter beaconListenerFilter = new IntentFilter();
            // add intent filter for BeaconService (e.g. REGION_ENTER)

        // beacon event handler
        beaconListener = new BeaconHandler(this);

        // register the event handler to the LocalBroadcastManager
        registerBeaconEventHandler(beaconListener, beaconListenerFilter);

    private void registerBeaconEventHandler(BroadcastReceiver receiver, IntentFilter filter) {
        LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(this).registerReceiver(receiver, filter);

So far it works but when I close the app from the recent app drawer, it stops working. I wrote to the Tech Support of Beaconinside and they told me to use a Service to receive events from the LocalBroadcastManager in the background.

Which aspects of my code do I need to move in the service class and which can stay where they are?


  • As it turns out, this problem can't be solved without the interaction of beaconinside. So I sent a mail to them and they told me that this problem is fixed in the new version (2.8.0), which will be released this week.