This is how my chart looks right now:
I have these problems:
The AxisX
is a DateTime
and formated as Diagramm.ChartAreas[0].AxisX.LabelStyle.Format = "dd.MM.yy HH";
. This is working but as you can see if there are to many hours the label is cut off. How can I set a mouseover tooltip for each label of the X-axis?
The series1 is placed on the secondary AxisY2: Diagramm.Series["S1"].YAxisType = AxisType.Secondary;
. I formated the axis for currency with Diagramm.ChartAreas[0].AxisY2.LabelStyle.Format = "C0";
As I understand the given value 1088,55 should be rounded to 1089 € but as you can see it is converted to 108855 €. But why? The value is already given as a double...
Update for point 2: Thanks to TaW, converted the ,
to .
and this works
The tooltip for my series1 is created with:
foreach (DataPoint dp in Diagramm.Series["S1"].Points)
if (dp.YValues[0] > 0)
dp.ToolTip = dp.YValues[0].ToString("C0") + " Umsatz für Stunde " + dp.AxisLabel.ToString() + "";
dp.IsValueShownAsLabel = false;
I would like to have the hour from the AxisX
which is formated as "dd.MM.yy HH"
. How can I access the hour instead of dp.AxisLabel.ToString()
which is wrong?
Update for point 3: Thanks to TaW, DateTime.FromOADate(Convert.ToDouble(dp.XValue.ToString())).Hour
is working
Since parts 2&3 were resolved from the comments we are left with the big one: How can we get tooltips for axis labels.
There are no predefined ones for axis labels it seems. The Axis
itself does support a ToolTip
but doesn't accept the Keywords like #VALX
So we need to set its tip value when we hit a Label
. Here is how we can do that:
We code the MouseMove
event to test for hitting a Label
. Then we use the data we find there to create a ToolTip
It starts rather simple:
This is interesting: We are using plain, automatically created AxisLabels
but what the HitTest
returns are CustomLabels
One of the consequences is that we don't have a Value
but instead the ToPosition
and FromPosition
values. Since the labels were created automatically we can expect them to be arranged symmetrically; so to get the Value
we can simply take the middle..
Since your x-axis holds DateTime
converted to double
as usual we can now convert back to DateTime
and format the tip with the same format string you used for the LabelStyle
. If you want to you could of course pick another format here..
private void chart_MouseMove(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
HitTestResult hit = chart.HitTest(e.X, e.Y, ChartElementType.AxisLabels);
if (hit != null && hit.ChartElementType == ChartElementType.AxisLabels)
Axis ax = chart.ChartAreas[0].AxisX;
var lab = hit.Object as CustomLabel;
if (lab == null || lab.Axis != ax) return;
double d = (lab.ToPosition + lab.FromPosition) / 2d;
DateTime dt = DateTime.FromOADate(d);
string tip = dt.ToString(ax.LabelStyle.Format);
ax.ToolTip = tip;
One problem with this is that you need to hit the axis rather well or else the ToolTip won't fire.
You could avoid this by using a ToolTip
of your own but this goes beyond the scope of this queston; it would involve a Timer
you start/stop in the MouseMove
. you would create the ToolTip string in the Tick
event and would have to make sure the tip comes and goes nicely..