is anyone knows how to change the jre libraries on java dynamic web project(I am using Eclipse and Maven)? The case is this, when I first created the project on Eclipse Oxygen package M5 the default jre was 1.6, I changed the Java Build Path(libraries) into 1.7/1.8, however upon updating the project it always returns to 1.6 and there is a red mark on the project folder. I already tried deleting the project and import it as Existing Maven Project and then update and clean but still nothing happens. This happens whenever I am creating a project without XML based configuration. I installed JDK 1.8.0 update 111, 121, and 131 and Apache Tomcat V7(XAMPP). On my brother's laptop everything works fine.
By the way, I also tried to replace .m2 folder of my laptop by copying .m2 folder from my brother's laptop.
Any help is much appreciated.
I assume you are using m2e, the Maven integration for Eclipse, which offers the import as Existing Maven Project option. m2e takes the version for the JRE System Library container from the configuration of the maven-compiler-plugin
; this ensures that Eclipse and mvn
behave consistently. Try changing the <source>
and <target>
configuration options of the maven-compiler-plugin
, maybe followed by a Maven > Update Project to make sure m2e has sync’ed the changes to the pom.xml
with the Eclipse buildpath.