I'm having trouble with a custom route which isn't being routed correctly. Both @Html.ActionLink
and @Html.RouteLink
create the correct url fantasy/1/fantasyleague1/matchups
which when clicked never touches the Matchups Action and incorrectly routes to fantasy/1/fantasyleague1/settings?round=3
RouteDebugger shows:
Matched Route: Fantasy/{leagueID}/{leagueSlug}/Settings
Generated URL: /fantasy/11/fantasyleague1/matchups/3 using the route "Fantasy/{leagueID}/{leagueSlug}/Matchups/{round}"
name: "Fantasy League Matchups",
url: "Fantasy/{leagueID}/{leagueSlug}/Matchups/{round}",
defaults: new { controller = "Fantasy", action = "Matchups", leagueSlug = UrlParameter.Optional, round = UrlParameter.Optional },
constraints: new { leagueID = @"\d+" }
name: "Fantasy League Settings",
url: "Fantasy/{leagueID}/{leagueSlug}/Settings",
defaults: new { controller = "Fantasy", action = "Settings", leagueSlug = UrlParameter.Optional },
constraints: new { leagueID = @"\d+" }
// GET: /Fantasy/{leagueID}/{leagueSlug}/Matchups/{round}
public ActionResult Matchups(int leagueID, string leagueSlug = null, int round = -1) {
var fantasyLeague = DataContext.FantasyLeagues.Where(l => l.ID == leagueID).FirstOrDefault();
if (fantasyLeague != null) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(leagueSlug) || round == -1) {
return RedirectToActionPermanent("Matchups", "Fantasy", new { leagueID = leagueID, leagueSlug = fantasyLeague.Slug, round = fantasyLeague.CurrentRound });
var userInLeague = User != null && User.Identity != null && fantasyLeague.FantasyTeams.Any(t => t.Owner.UserName == User.Identity.Name);
var fantasyMatches = fantasyLeague.FantasyMatches.Where(fm => fm.Round == round).ToList();
return View("Matchups", new FantasyMatchupsViewModel {
FantasyLeague = fantasyLeague,
FantasyMatches = fantasyMatches,
Round = round,
UserInLeague = userInLeague
return RedirectToAction("Index");
// GET: /Fantasy/{leagueID}/{leagueSlug}/Settings
public ActionResult Settings(int leagueID, string leagueSlug = null) {
var fantasyLeague = DataContext.FantasyLeagues.Where(l => l.ID == leagueID).FirstOrDefault();
if (fantasyLeague != null) {
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(leagueSlug)) {
return RedirectToActionPermanent("Settings", "Fantasy", new { leagueID = leagueID, leagueSlug = fantasyLeague.Slug });
var userOwnsLeague = User != null && User.Identity != null && fantasyLeague.Commissioner.UserName == User.Identity.Name;
return View("Settings", new FantasySettingsViewModel {
FantasyLeague = fantasyLeague,
UserOwnsLeague = userOwnsLeague,
Name = fantasyLeague.Name,
MaxPlayers = fantasyLeague.MaxPlayers,
LockoutPeriod = fantasyLeague.LockoutPeriod,
PasswordProtected = fantasyLeague.PasswordProtected,
Password = fantasyLeague.Password
return RedirectToAction("Index");
Most likely, this is not a routing problem at all. You are using RedirectToActionPermanent
, which produces a 301 redirect. Most browsers cache 301 redirects, so the behavior you are seeing is likely from the first hit your browser cached.
Instead of using RedirectToActionPermanent
, you should use RedirectToAction
, which will generate a "normal" 302 redirect.
301 redirects are for ensuring URLs that have already been put into the wild (that is, users have potentially bookmarked and/or search engines have potentially indexed) are updated to the new location. They should generally not be used just to get a user from URL A to URL B within your application.