I'm trying to come up with a coding scheme such that any of my 14 players (separately; each player is shown as numbered circles below) on the center thick line of my soccer field independently moves to left by .1
(in x-axis value unit) if the result of outcome = sample(x = c(1, 2), size = 1)
is 1
and if the result of outcome = sample(x = c(1, 2), size = 1)
is 2
, the player moves to right by .1
(in x-axis value unit).
Thus, the goal is that each player can independently move to the left or right based on the result of the outcome
Do I need to write outcome[i] = sample(x = c(1, 2), size = 1)
16 times for each player and then construct something like:
outcome1 = sample(x = c(1, 2), size = 1)
outcome2 = sample(x = c(1, 2), size = 1)
and then change the x
of that player based on his outcome
if(outcome1 == 1) { points(x - .1, y, cex = 4.5, lwd = 3, pch = 21, bg = 0)
} else { points(x + .1, y, cex = 4.5, lwd = 3, pch = 21, bg = 0) }
Or there is a better way?
plot(1, ty = "n", ann = F, cex = 3)
par = par('usr')
rect(par[1], par[3], par[2], par[4], col = 'darkseagreen1' )
points( 1, 1, cex = 5, pch =20, col = 0)
points( 1, 1, cex = 33, lwd = 5, col = 0)
abline(v = 1, lwd = 10, col = 0)
rect(.6, .6, 1.4, 1.4, lwd = 5, border = 0)
rect(0, .85, .65, 1.15, lwd = 5, col = 'darkseagreen1', border = 0)
rect(1.35, .85, 1.45, 1.15, lwd = 5, col = 'darkseagreen1', border = 0)
x = rep(1, 14); y = seq(.6, 1.4, len = 14)
points(x, y, cex = 4.5, lwd = 3, pch = 21, bg = 0)
text(x, y, 1:14, font = 2)
You could first sample all the moves for each player and store that in a matrix (rows are the players, columns are the time steps):
nSteps <- 16
nPlayers <- 14
## Sample movement of players:
xStepsMx <- matrix(sample(c(-1,1)*0.1, nPlayers*nSteps, replace = TRUE),
nrow = nPlayers, ncol = nSteps)
You can then evaluate the position of each player at each time step:
## Position of players:
xPosMx <- t(sapply(1:nrow(xStepsMx), function(ii) cumsum(xStepsMx[ii,]))) + x
For each time step timeStep
in 1,2,...,16 you can then e.g. plot your players' position using
timeStep <- 5
points(xPosMx[,timeStep], y, cex = 4.5, lwd = 3, pch = 21, bg = "white")
text(xPosMx[,timeStep], y, 1:14, font = 2)