This is the command I have been using:
sshpass -p "raspberry" scp -r pi@ C:/Users/Matt/Desktop/CSIndependantStudy/RaspberryPiJars/raspberryEncrypt.jar
Whenever I execute the command no errors show up and it seems like everything has worked. However the raspberryEncrypt.jar has not been transferred to my raspberry pi.
When I try it with just
scp -r pi@ C:/Users/Matt/Desktop/CSIndependantStudy/RaspberryPiJars/raspberryEncrypt.jar
I get prompted to enter the raspberry pi password and receive this error:
ssh: Could not resolve hostname c: Name or service not known
Any ideas on how to fix this issue?
In the string C:/Users/Matt/Desktop/CSIndependantStudy/
ssh is interpreting c as the host. Use a local path that doesn't include a windows drive letter, or colon since the colon is the separator between host and path in scp.