Question: How to use "fmincon" to solve the following minimization matrix problem?
I am trying to find the f such that
a * ( b – ( inv(a) * inv(inv(a) + transpose(c)*inv(f)*c) * (inv(a)*d + transpose(c) * inv(f) * e) ) )^2
is minimized subject to:
f > 0
Thanks to the @m7913d, I solved the code via Isqnonlin:
clear all;
% random inputs A, B, C, D and E
a = rand(8,8)'*rand(8,8);
b = 2*rand(8,1) - 1;
c = 2*rand(1,8) - 1;
d = 2*rand(8,1) - 1;
e = 2*rand(1,1) - 1;
% minimization term
fun = @(f) a * ( b - ( inv(a) * inv(inv(a)+c'*inv(f)*c) * (inv(a)*d+c' * inv(f) * e) ) );
f = lsqnonlin(fun,0.1,0,+inf)