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Why should Client Creadentials be associated with a user in Laravel Passport?

I want to use Client Credentials to authenticate client applications to access the API.

My problem is with creating client credentials. Using php artisan passport:client requires me to enter a user_id to associate the client to that user. I don't get it. Why the client application has to be associated to a user?! Or Is there another way?

passport:client command only supports creating Password Grant Clients and Personal Grant Client. I don't think that any of them is what I need.

What I really need is to create client credentials that will only be used by the client application to authorize itself to access some APIs. How to do that?


  • I assume you want to use machine-to-machine authentication (no user interactions)

    I would recommend to read through the docs a couple of times to get the hang of it.

    I do not believe there is an specific way to create an only client credentials client, What i do is to create an personal client then change the field for personal client in the database personal_access_client 1 => 0

    You could use the personal client option, as seen from the --help option

      passport:client [options]
          --personal        Create a personal access token client
          --password        Create a password grant client
          --name[=NAME]     The name of the client
      -h, --help            Display this help message

    php artisan passport:client --personal


    Personal access client created successfully.
    Client ID: 1
    Client Secret: LbjQNxK5SQZ3pPrEBUwbkE8vaRkg8jh25Qh43HYy

    You would need to use another middleware other then the default one because there is no user present when using this method

    • Define client credentials alias middleware in kernel
    • Add middleware to route
    • Send request

    Define client credentials middleware to the http kernel

    Class \App\Http\Kernel:

     protected $routeMiddleware = [
            'auth' => \Illuminate\Auth\Middleware\Authenticate::class,
            'client_credentials' => \Laravel\Passport\Http\Middleware\CheckClientCredentials::class,

    Define middleware on route

    Route::get('/test', 'ApiTestController@test')->middleware('client_credentials');

    Class \App\Http\Controllers\ApiTestController:

    public function test() {
            return response()->json(['data' => 'hey'] );

    From php artisan route:list

    GET|HEAD  | api/test | App\Http\Controllers\ApiTestController@test   | api,client_credentials  |

    Send request

    Following the specified request in the documentation on client-credentials-grant-tokens

    I use Postman for simplicity, easily send test request with Postman (

    Set authorization to OAuth 2.0, image: Postman authentication

    Set access token URL, client id, client secret and grant type to 'Client Credentials', image: Postman OAuth Fields

    Postman creates an token and appends it to URL or Header, in this case header

    Authorization:Bearer eyJ0eXAiOi...KCjK0


      "data": "hey"