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How to implement Google API with React, Redux and Webpack

I'm trying to get google calendar events into my React Redux app.
I've tried using googleapis and google-auth-library but webpack is throwing errors because googleapis was built to run server side and bundle.js is referenced from client. So I've read a few forums about these errors and they all point to using Google's js client library instead.

I understand how to implement this in a java or php app (I'm old... 35 ;) but I'm new to React Redux and I'm looking for the best way to implement this.

I'm trying to fetch the events from my calendar in my actions.js. I tried including <script src=""></script> in my html header and then using gapi.load() from actions.js. I also tried creating a api.js file and referencing that with require('./api'). I also tried to use the cli commands from the Node.js Quickstart guide to get an access_token and then just use axios to call Google API directly but I'm getting a 403. I'm thinking I'm just not providing the proper headers but that wouldn't be best practice anyway.

My question is basically how do I reference Google's js client library from my actions.js file while adhering to Redux standards?


  • I'm going to answer my own question despite some very good correct answers. @MattYao answered my actual question of how to get a js script available for reference in my actions.js file. @Ethan Brown gave a very detailed answer that showed some excellent flow possibilities. @realseanp changed the scope but a valid answer.

    I tried all of the above and they worked.

    So I'm not sure what I was doing wrong but I was finally able to access the gapi object from actions.js by just adding <script src=""></script> to my index head. I'm using pug so it looks like this:

            title MyTitle
            link(rel='stylesheet' href='/static/css/main.css')
            link(rel='stylesheet' href='/static/css/react-big-calendar.css')
            script(src='' type='text/javascript')
            script(src='/static/bundle.js' type='text/javascript')

    Here is my component file:

    import React from 'react'
    import BigCalendar from 'react-big-calendar';
    import moment from 'moment';
    import { connect } from 'react-redux'
    import { fetchEvents } from '../actions/actions'
    @connect((store) => {
        return {
    export default class Calendar extends React.Component 
            return (
                        style={{height: 800}}

    And then I was able to get this working in my actions.js file

    export function fetchEvents() 
      return (dispatch) =>
        function start() 
          // 2. Initialize the JavaScript client library.
            'apiKey': API_KEY,
            // clientId and scope are optional if auth is not required.
            'clientId': CLIENT_ID,
            'scope': 'profile',
          }).then(function() {
            // 3. Initialize and make the API request.
            return gapi.client.request({
              'path': '[email protected]/events?timeMax=2017-06-03T23:00:00Z&timeMin=2017-04-30T00:00:00Z',
          }).then( (response) => {
            let events = response.result.items
              type: 'FETCH_EVENTS_FULFILLED',
              payload: events
          }, function(reason) {
        // 1. Load the JavaScript client library.
        gapi.load('client', start)

    I had to make my calendar public to access it this way. So now I'm going to work on the oauth2 stuff :/