I'm trying to solve Knight Tour problem. I need to get the position that has the minimum amount of movements. I have my rule that calculates the number of moves in a position (search_path), but I need to get the min of that rule (search_path_min).
moves(X, Y, Xi, Yi, Size) :-
( Xi is X - 1, Yi is Y - 2
; Xi is X - 1, Yi is Y + 2
; Xi is X + 1, Yi is Y - 2
; Xi is X + 1, Yi is Y + 2
; Xi is X - 2, Yi is Y - 1
; Xi is X - 2, Yi is Y + 1
; Xi is X + 2, Yi is Y - 1
; Xi is X + 2, Yi is Y + 1 ),
Xi > 0,
Yi > 0,
Xi =< Size*Size,
Yi =< Size*Size.
posibles_moves(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi):-
moves(X, Y, Xi, Yi, Size),
\+ member((Xi,Yi),Tour).
posibles_moves_count(Size, X, Y, Tour, Count):-
findall(_, posibles_moves(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi), Moves),
length(Moves, Count).
search_path(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi, Count):-
posibles_moves(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi),
posibles_moves_count(Size, Xi, Yi, [(Xi,Yi)|Tour],Count).
search_path_min(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi):-
search_path(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi, Count),
knight_tour(Size, X, Y, Tour, Path) :-
length(Tour, L),
L =:= Size * Size - 1,
_Tour = [(X, Y) | Tour],
reverse(_Tour, Path).
knight_tour(Size, X, Y, Tour, Path) :-
length(Visits, L),
L < Size * Size - 1,
search_path_min(Size, X, Y, Tour, Xi, Yi),
_Tour = [(X, Y) | Tour],
knight_tour(Size, Xi, Yi, _Tour, Path).
My rule search_path I need to get the result that has the minimum value for the Count variable. Thanks.
I could solve it
search_path_min(Size, X, Y, Tour, Minimum):-
search_path_min(Minimum, [], Minimum).
C < C2 -> search_path_min(min(X,Y,C),Rest,Minimum);