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Fiware Cepheus Configuration file issue

Is There is away make Fiware-cepheus Take more than one Configuration file as i wan't to sent Different Data type and i want to process it in real time but can't install different Cepheus Vm to each Data federation Is there is a way to make Cepheus take different Configuration Files


  • Fiware-Cepheus supports an (undocumented...) multi-tenant mode where multiple configurations can live together on the same instance (sharing available memory/CPU resources).

    You can enable the multi-tenant profile from

    or at boot time with the command line argument.

    Then for each request, you can add two HTTP headers Fiware-Service (default value: default) and Fiware-ServicePath (default value: /).

    Fiware-Service header can only contain [A-Za-z0-9_] characters, Fiware-ServicePath header must start with a /.

    Each tenant needs its own configuration setup (using the same headers) before it can start processing data.

    For more information, please read related code.