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C# MySQL ExecuteReader

I have a problem with my C# project. I use a MySQL database and I use the MySQL Connector driver from MySQL Website but I have a problem with the cursor and the connexion. Indeed, Visual Studio says that is impossible to read data from a second procedure because the cursor is already open but I have closed the cursor before the new procedure call.

This is my code:

static public Data loadData()
    Data database = new Data();
    /// <summary>
    ///     Loading of the categories
    /// </summary> 
    MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("getCategory", myConnexion);
    command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    MySqlDataReader cursor = command.ExecuteReader();

    while (cursor.Read())
        int id = Convert.ToInt32(cursor["id"]);
        string categoryName = Convert.ToString(cursor["name"]);

        Category category = new Category(id, categoryName);
    /// <summary>
    ///     Loading of the projects
    /// </summary>
    command = new MySqlCommand("getProject", myConnexion);
    command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
    cursor = command.ExecuteReader();

    while (cursor.Read())
        int idProject = Convert.ToInt32(cursor["id"]);
        string name = Convert.ToString(cursor["name"]);
        int idCategory = Convert.ToInt32(cursor["idCategory"]);

        Category category = database.getCategories()[idCategory];
        Project project = new Project(idProject, name, category);
        Link.addProject(project.getName(), category);

    return database;

This is the error message from Visual Studio when I launch my program:


  • You can try converting the DataReader to a using block, which should close and dispose of the datareader.

    static public Data loadData()
        Data database = new Data();
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loading of the categories
        /// </summary> 
        MySqlCommand command = new MySqlCommand("getCategory", myConnexion);
        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        using (var cursor = command.ExecuteReader())
            while (cursor.Read())
                int id = Convert.ToInt32(cursor["id"]);
                string categoryName = Convert.ToString(cursor["name"]);
                Category category = new Category(id, categoryName);
        /// <summary>
        ///     Loading of the projects
        /// </summary>
        command = new MySqlCommand("getProject", myConnexion);
        command.CommandType = System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure;
        using(var cursor = command.ExecuteReader())
            while (cursor.Read())
                int idProject = Convert.ToInt32(cursor["id"]);
                string name = Convert.ToString(cursor["name"]);
                int idCategory = Convert.ToInt32(cursor["idCategory"]);
                Category category = database.getCategories()[idCategory];
                Project project = new Project(idProject, name, category);
                Link.addProject(project.getName(), category);
        return database;