My VBScript has a log file which logs information with current date and time using FormatDateTime
I like to format time up to milliseconds and also in the following format:
MM/DD/YY hh:mm:ss:mss AM/PM
But, unfortunately FormatDateTime
doesn't let to format time in this way.
After searching for this, I found this answer and it is about how to use Timer
function, So I can't log time to log files using it again and again.
As W3schools states,
The Timer function returns the number of seconds since 12:00 AM.
But I want my log file to log time in above format even before 12:00 AM, So using Timer
Function isn't the best option for this.
Please let me know a way to do this specially in log files correctly.
The vbscript function Now()
will return the current system date and time in this format - 5/2/2017 9:45:34 AM
, however if you need to add milliseconds you can use Timer
- Timer math from here
'capture the date and timer together so if the date changes while
'the other code runs the values you are using don't change
t = Timer
dateStr = Date()
temp = Int(t)
milliseconds = Int((t-temp) * 1000)
seconds = temp mod 60
temp = Int(temp/60)
minutes = temp mod 60
hours = Int(temp/60)
label = "AM"
If hours > 12 Then
label = "PM"
hours = hours-12
End If
'format it and add the date
strTime = LeftPad(hours, "0", 2) & ":"
strTime = strTime & LeftPad(minutes, "0", 2) & ":"
strTime = strTime & LeftPad(seconds, "0", 2) & "."
strTime = strTime & LeftPad(milliseconds, "0", 3)
WScript.Echo dateStr & " " & strTime & " " & label
'this function adds characters to a string to meet the desired length
Function LeftPad(str, addThis, howMany)
LeftPad = String(howMany - Len(str), addThis) & str
End Function