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Sonata Doctrine Phpcr Admin Bundle: Change parent of node

I have problem with changing parent of document inside sonata admin.

My document has property like this:

 * @PHPCRODM\Children(filter="teaserimage*", cascade="persist")
 * @var Image[]
protected $teaserImages;
 * @Validation\PhpcrImage(maxWidth="1500", maxHeight="844", minWidth="600", minHeight="338", minRatio="1.77", maxRatio="1.78", nullable=false)
 * @return Image|null
public function getTeaserImage()
   return $this->getLocalizedImage($this->teaserImages, 'teaserimage');

 * @param Image $image
public function setTeaserImage($image)
        self::setupImage($image, $this->getLocalizedImageNodeName('teaserimage'), $this->getTeaserImage())

When i tried to change parent of any article document i got error like

The server returned a "500 Internal Server Error".

The Id is immutable (/cms/content/blog/blog-post-for-12th-october/teaserimage_de.jpg !== /cms/content/blog/blog-post-for-12th-october). Please use DocumentManager::move to move the document: blog post for 12th October (/cms/content/blog/blog-post-for-12th-october)

Although this error occurs, my document has been moved to the right place with all subdocument.

this is how my document looks like


  • Check your preUpdated, prePersists methods. You shouldn't flush object in these methods while the change is a parent change.