I am a newbie here. I am looking to know about any tool/quick way to convert a 24bit PCM raw(headerless) file, having 3 byte PCM samples, into a 32 bit PCM raw file which has 4 bytes per sample, with the MSByte of the 4 byte data as sign/zero extension of the 3byte sample.
Apart from the 24bit raw file, I have its corresponding WAVE file as well if it helps.
When tried in audacity, although it converted 24 bit to 32bit, it did not sign/zero extend, but it left shifted by 8, the 24 bit sample. So in effect the 24 bit sample was sitting in the left aligned 24 bits of the 32 bit , which is not what was desired.
Upon more search was pointed a way to do this is using sox - on linux.
sox -t s24 --endian little input.pcm -t s32 output.pcm vol 0.00390625
It worked fine. the vol 0.00390625 is to reduce the volume by 48dB because conversion of raw PCM sample from 24bit to 32bit, by default left shifts by 8 bit, but I want it to be down-shifted back by 8 bits which is reduction in volume by 48dB