I have a string variable
$var="-- this is a --
-- comment --
i need to cut the string string into two parts such that there are two new string variable
$var1="-- this is a --
-- comment --"
i need the new line as it is in the $var1 $var2
what i have tried
var2=$(echo $var | sed 's/^--.*--//g')
i am not able to store the pattern in $var1 that it is deleting .
Note : hyphen is important and new line is important to maintain . have tried bash string manipulation but it doesn't worked
Simply use grep
For var1
grep '\-\-.*\-\-'
For var2
grep -v '\-\-.*\-\-'
As suggest by @123, we don't need escaping, if we use --
in grep command.
So you can use this as well
For var1
grep -- '--.*--'
For var2
grep -v '--.*--'