I've been experimenting with Geb/Spock for testing some web applications but have hit an issue that I cannot seem to figure out.
I have a test class with a setupSpec() fixture method that calls a login method defined in AuthenticationSpec, and then a bunch of other methods that assert various things on this page:
class TestThisPage extends AuthenticationSpec {
def setupSpec() {
loginComplete("some user ID", "some password")
assert page instanceof ThisPage
def "Verify some link's text is correct"() {
when: "The user is at this page"
then: "The this specific link's text is correct"
assert someLink.text().equalsIgnoreCase("I am some text")
def "Verify that the correct user name is displayed"() {
when: "The user is signed in and at this page"
then: "The signed-in user's display name appears correctly on the page"
assert signInText.equalsIgnoreCase("Signed in as: some user ID")
def "Verify this page's copyright"() {
when: "The user is redirected to this page"
then: "The copyright is correct"
assert legalInfo.text().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Some copyright text here")
Now when I run TestThisPage as a test suite, only the first test case (after the setupSpec() method) passes, all the rest fail with: groovy.lang.MissingPropertyException: Unable to resolve <some content identifier specified on ThisPage>
I know my content is defined correctly:
class ThisPage extends Page {
static at = {
title == "This page"
static content = {
someLink(to: SomeOtherPage) {$("a[href='someOtherPage.jsp'")}
signInText {loginInfo.find("#static-label").text().trim()}
and I can switch the order of the test methods and the first one will always pass, even if it failed the last run. If I run these test methods as a single unit test, they all pass too.
The only way I have gotten this to work is if I add at ThisPage
to the when or given block. I guess it makes sense to explicitly set the page to ThisPage in each test method, but why, when running the entire class as a test suite, does only the first test method pass (even without the at ThisPage
Each subsequent test method does not know about the page you are on.
You can create a shared instance of the page which can then be accessed by each of your tests within the same spec:
class TestThisPage extends AuthenticationSpec {
@Shared ThisPage thisPage
def setupSpec() {
thisPage = loginComplete("some user ID", "some password")
assert page instanceof ThisPage
def "Verify some link's text is correct"() {
when: "The user is at this page"
then: "The this specific link's text is correct"
assert thisPage.someLink.text().equalsIgnoreCase("I am some text")
def "Verify that the correct user name is displayed"() {
when: "The user is signed in and at this page"
then: "The signed-in user's display name appears correctly on the page"
assert thisPage.signInText.equalsIgnoreCase("Signed in as: some user ID")
def "Verify this page's copyright"() {
when: "The user is redirected to this page"
then: "The copyright is correct"
assert thisPage.legalInfo.text().trim().equalsIgnoreCase("Some copyright text here")