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Polymer paper-drawer-panel not accepting toggle from child

I have a paper-drawer-panel in one element and a toolbar in a child element. On the toolbar is a menu-button, that should toggle the drawer-panel but it does not. How can I tell the paper-drawer-panel to accept a command from the child element?


<dom-module id="nav-drawer">
   <paper-drawer-panel drawerFocusSelector="">
      <div drawer id="drawerbox">
         Contents of drawer panel here.
      <div main>

Child element:

<dom-module id="tool-bar">
      <paper-icon-button icon="menu" paper-drawer-toggle></paper-icon-button>

Thanks for your help. I'm new to Polymer.


  • I found the answer myself: The tool-bar element I changed as follows, adding attributes and an on-tap function.

    <dom-module id="tool-bar" attributes="togdraw">
          <paper-icon-button icon="menu" on-tap="toggleDrawer"></paper-icon-button>
          toggleDrawer: function() {

    And the nav-drawer I changed like accordingly:

    <dom-module id="nav-drawer">
       <paper-drawer-panel drawerFocusSelector="" selected="{{selectPanel}}">
          <div drawer id="drawerbox">
             Contents of drawer panel here.
          <div main>
      properties: {
          selectPanel: String
      ready: function() {
        this.addEventListener('eventFromChild', this.toggleDrawer);
      toggleDrawer: function(event,selectPanel) {
        this.selectPanel = event.detail.togdraw;
        return selectPanel;