I want to customise the JSQMessagesCollectionView
. I want to add some padding in bottom view so that scroll view starts from some bottom margin.
I need this because my view is overlapping. Here the screenshot:
The second thing I want to customise the time stamp. I want to add a functionality just like Facebook. Here is the scenario:
I want to customise the timestamp label and I want to add the "just now" text there. is it possible?
Can I change the time place in view? I want to show the time stamp below the bubble?
Thanks in advance. Please help if you can?
To show time stamp below the bubble you can use cellBottomLabel
label of Cell
in cellForItemAt indexPath
cell1.cellBottomLabel.text = "just now"
You will aslo need to provide height for that label as following
override func collectionView(_ collectionView: JSQMessagesCollectionView!, layout collectionViewLayout: JSQMessagesCollectionViewFlowLayout!, heightForCellBottomLabelAt indexPath: IndexPath!) -> CGFloat {
return 20.0
Further to customize time stamp you can always use date formatter extension. in my case i have used following.(https://gist.github.com/minorbug/468790060810e0d29545)
extension DateFormatter {
Formats a date as the time since that date (e.g., “Last week, yesterday, etc.”).
- Parameter from: The date to process.
- Parameter numericDates: Determines if we should return a numeric variant, e.g. "1 month ago" vs. "Last month".
- Returns: A string with formatted `date`.
func timeAgoSinceDate(_ date:Date, numericDates:Bool = false) -> String {
let calendar = NSCalendar.current
let unitFlags: Set<Calendar.Component> = [.minute, .hour, .day, .weekOfYear, .month, .year, .second]
let now = Date()
let earliest = now < date ? now : date
let latest = (earliest == now) ? date : now
let components = calendar.dateComponents(unitFlags, from: earliest, to: latest)
if (components.year! >= 2) {
return "\(components.year!) years ago"
} else if (components.year! >= 1){
if (numericDates){
return "1 year ago"
} else {
return "Last year"
} else if (components.month! >= 2) {
return "\(components.month!) months ago"
} else if (components.month! >= 1){
if (numericDates){
return "1 month ago"
} else {
return "Last month"
} else if (components.weekOfYear! >= 2) {
return "\(components.weekOfYear!) weeks ago"
} else if (components.weekOfYear! >= 1){
if (numericDates){
return "1 week ago"
} else {
return "Last week"
} else if (components.day! >= 2) {
return "\(components.day!) days ago"
} else if (components.day! >= 1){
if (numericDates){
return "1 day ago"
} else {
return "Yesterday"
} else if (components.hour! >= 2) {
return "\(components.hour!) hours ago"
} else if (components.hour! >= 1){
if (numericDates){
return "1 hour ago"
} else {
return "An hour ago"
} else if (components.minute! >= 2) {
return "\(components.minute!) minutes ago"
} else if (components.minute! >= 1){
if (numericDates){
return "1 minute ago"
} else {
return "A minute ago"
} else if (components.second! >= 3) {
return "\(components.second!) seconds ago"
} else {
return "Just now"
} }
to use this
let formatter = DateFormatter()
formatter.dateFormat = "Your Format"
formatter.timeZone = NSTimeZone(abbreviation: "UTC") as TimeZone! // time zone if needed
let messageUTCDate = formatter.date(from: "your date in string")
return formatter.timeAgoSinceDate(messageUTCDate!)
or you can use other date format like answered here Getting the difference between two NSDates in (months/days/hours/minutes/seconds)
Finally, for button you can show them in top bar if you want.
Hope it helps