I'm using logos as just an example.
I'm trying to use themes/skins for the first time in ASP.NET - and just trying to figure out exactly what they will allow me to do.
As far as i can tell themes are primarily for changing controls like buttons, which can be modified using images. But is there a way I can skin a 'logo' or other graphics using themes? Reading the documentation I couldnt immediately see a way of doing so.
You can easily set an image/logo using themes/skins. E.g. if you have an image control like this:
<asp:Image id="imgLogo" runat="server" SkinId="logo" ... />
In your skin files, you can then specifiy the image to be displayed, e.g. in App_Themes/theme1/logo.skin:
<asp:Image runat="server" SkinId="logo" ImageUrl="~/images/logo1.png" />
And in App_Themes/theme2/logo.skin:
<asp:Image runat="server" SkinId="logo" ImageUrl="~/images/logo2.png" />
This is not limited to the ImageUrl property. You can set most of the properties of controls from skin files.