I'm trying to write a function that makes an API call and returns a Promise. Here's my function definition:
* Gets the IAM policy for a service account. Wraps getIamPolicy endpoint:
* https://cloud.google.com/iam/reference/rest/v1/projects.serviceAccounts/getIamPolicy
* @param {!Project} project
* @param {string} email - Unique email for a service account.
* @return {!angular.$q.Promise<!Object<!string, !Policy>>}
getIamPolicy(project, email) {
const path = constructPath_(project, email) + ':getIamPolicy';
return this.apiClient_.request({method: 'POST', path}, this.config_)
.then(response => { debugger; });
I'm using the closure-compiler, and that throws a compile error:
service-account-service.js:124: ERROR - inconsistent return type
found : angular.$q.Promise<undefined>
required: angular.$q.Promise<Object<string,Policy>>
return this.apiClient_.request({method: 'POST', path}, this.config_)
What am I doing wrong? How should I be returning the promise?
The previous functions I've written using my apiClient_.request helper function work fine. I should be returning the same value from this.apiClient_.request.
Policy and Project are defined in an externs file (I believe correctly). I'm also using Angular 1.4
The Promise<undefined>
that the error says you're returning is correct. While the this.apiClient_.request
helper function is returning a Promise, the return type of the Promise (the <undefined>
bit) is being overridden by .then(response => { debugger; })
code. ie, that code doesn't have a return statement, so it's returning undefined
So it worked when I changed my code to:
return this.apiClient_.request({method: 'POST', path}, this.config_)
.then(response => {
return response;