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Create successor numbers from natural numbers

I want to create successor Numbers from natural numbers in Prolog.

nat2s(0, s(0)).
nat2s(NaturalNumber, SNumber) :-
            N is NaturalNumber - 1,
            nat2s(N, s(SNumber)).

The output should be like this:

nat2s(3, X).
X = s(s(s(0))).

Actually it's an infinitive loop. I don't how to end the loop without only getting true as result.


  • I suggest a slightly different approach, namely the use of library(clpfd). First let's pick a more declarative name for the predicate. Since in your post the natural number and the number in s(X)-notation are the first and second argument respectively, let's call it nat_sx/2. Then the predicate can be defined like so:

    :- use_module(library(clpfd)).
    nat_sx(N,s(X)) :-
       N #> 0,
       N0 #= N-1,

    This yields the desired result in your post:

       ?- nat_sx(3,X).
    X = s(s(s(0))) ? ;

    To see why the use of clpfd is beneficial let's incorporate the suggested corrections from the comments into your code and compare both versions.

    nat2s(0, 0).
    nat2s(NaturalNumber, s(SNumber)) :-
       NaturalNumber > 0,
       N is NaturalNumber - 1,
       nat2s(N, SNumber).

    The above query works with this version as well:

       ?- nat2s(3,S).
    S = s(s(s(0))) ? ;

    However, it would be nice to be able to use the predicate in the other direction as well. So let's ask which natural number corresponds to s(s(0)):

       ?- nat_sx(N,s(s(0))).
    N = 2 ? ;
       ?- nat2s(N,s(s(0))).
         ERROR at  clause 2 of user:nat2s/2 !!
         INSTANTIATION ERROR- =:=/2: expected bound value

    The reason for the instantiation error is the fact that is/2 expects a variable-free expression on the right side:

       ?- X is 3-1.
    X = 2
       ?- 2 is X-1.
         INSTANTIATION ERROR- in arithmetic: expected bound value
       ?- 2 is 3-X.
         INSTANTIATION ERROR- in arithmetic: expected bound value

    This is also the reason why the most general query of nat2s/2 has an instantiation error after the first solution...

       ?- nat2s(N,S).
    N = S = 0 ? ;
         ERROR at  clause 2 of user:nat2s/2 !!
         INSTANTIATION ERROR- =:=/2: expected bound value

    ... while nat_sx/2 keeps generating solutions:

       ?- nat_sx(N,S).
    N = S = 0 ? ;
    N = 1,
    S = s(0) ? ;
    N = 2,
    S = s(s(0)) ? ;