i am compiling this code and getting 0 on the division
println((MarkAnalysis.failAmount/Student.studentsId.length).toDouble + " " + MarkAnalysis.failAmount + " " + Student.studentsId.length)
I print it out to make sure that the division does not return zero, and
MarkAnalysis.failAmount = 14
MarkAnalysis.studentsId.length = 53
I dont understand why i get 0.0 on the result.
To hazzard a guess failAmount and studentId are both whole numbers (int or long), therefore the result is a whole number (i.e. int/int is int). Since 14<53 this would be 0 (14 doesn't fit even once in 53). Only after 0 is calculated it is converted to double.
What You want to do is a double division, and therefore need to convert to double before doing the division by adding .toDouble
to at least one variable (better add to all in expression), e.g.: