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Process image given multiple URL parameters in Go

I would probably prefer to use pressly/chi, but I guess it makes no difference. I imagine given an input URL like this, then it would go to the following GET function because of r.Get("/:image", ImageGET):

function ImageGET(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
  if r.URL.Query().Get("resize") != "" {
    // do something
  if r.URL.Query().Get("crop") != "" {
    // do something
  if r.URL.Query().Get("watermark") != "" {
    // do something

Now, my question is, how should I design whatever function does the image processing so that it will process everything properly and efficiently? I don't expect you to write code that will handle the resizing, but how would these functions look like? Perhaps:

function Resize(size string) (imgfile?, error) {
  // the resize stuff

What would that returned imgfile even be? A struct containing some relevant img info?


  • Likely,


    will satisfy the image.Image interface and not the data saved on disk (ie. the actual jpg file)

    Image is a finite rectangular grid of color.Color values taken from a color model.

    Lots of 3rd party golang image libraries use image.Image to manipulate images.

    I would use a standard image.Image interface retrieved (read to memory) by a filename in the imageGET function and modified according to the queries. You can see also the jpeg golang library from the standard lib.

    function ImageGET(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
      // GetJPEGImageFromFileSystem must decode os.File content and 
      // return a golang image.Image interface
      img, _ := GetJPEGImageFromFileSystem(r.URL.Query().Get("filename"))
      if r.URL.Query().Get("resize") != "" {
          // If resizing, write over the image.Image in Memory, 
          // but not the image File on disk
          img, _ = Resize(img, r.URL.Query().GET("resize"))
      // etc...
    function Resize(img image.Image, size string) (image.Image, error) {
      // the resize stuff -- or, alternatively just call a dependency in the original handler to resize
      return resizedImage, nil