When I read about ngrx, I see different ways of including the store:
One way I see is to include in imports:
imports: [
... omitted
declarations: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule {
The other way I've seen is to include it in bootstrap:
import {bootstrap} from 'angular2/platform/browser';
import {App} from './src/app';
import {provideStore} from '@ngrx/store';
import {ItemsService, items, selectedItem} from './src/items';
bootstrap(App, [
ItemsService, // The actions that consume our store
provideStore({items, selectedItem}) // The store that defines our app state
.catch(err => console.error(err));
Which is correct and/or is the accepted best practice? Why?
I look at a random app.module.ts file from a project without rxjs store and am wondering where it should go properly in a file like this:
Appreciate optionally any any references to how "current" May 2017 angular2/4 applications should be organized in respect to integration with RxJS.
I like to keep my AppModule as clean as possible.
One day, while I was thinking a lot about module structure and SPA design with Angular I've seen a Tweet from Wassim Chegnam. It was about modules with Angular, and he drew this :
I really liked that idea of having 3 main modules :
- features
- shared
- core
How to use them :
)So in your case, I'd put the StoreModule.provideStore(AppReducer)
in CoreModule
. (example)
Obviously, you can go with a simpler module structure but after I used that way of doing things in a large application and a small/medium app to demo how to use ngrx (Pizza-Sync), it felt like a good thing =).
In the end, I do have an AppModule
really clean :
declarations: [
imports: [
bootstrap: [AppComponent]
export class AppModule { }
and if I need to use angular-universal I'd have no problem to switch from app.module.ts
to app.module.universal.ts
Edit: May, 14th (2017)
I released a couple of days ago an ngrx starter on Github where I try to describe all of that and include a lot of good things I've been discovering for the last 8 months. It might interest some of you: https://github.com/maxime1992/angular-ngrx-starter