I have a matrix X with its maximum value along the main diagonal. Firstly, want to sample one row i, and pick the maximum value along row i excluding the main diagonal value i.e max != X[i,i].
The code below usually produces results but often has an error:
Error in if (MAX < l[k]) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
# initial values
n = 10
pop = runif(n,min =0,max =1)
D = matrix(rnorm(n*n,0,0.2),nrow=n)
str_mat = abs(D)
for (l in 1:n) {
str_mat[l,l] = 1
int_mat = matrix(rbinom(n*n,1,z),n,n) ##z takes the values 0.1 - 0.9
for (j in 1:n) {
int_mat[j,j] = 1
X = (int_mat*str_mat)*pop
b = c(1:n) #creating a vector with the length being the dimensions of the matrix
a = sample(b,1)## sampling one value from the vector
if (sum(int_mat[a,])< n)
### int_mat is a binary matrix
l = X[a,]
## Ensuring the maximum value picked is not on the main diagonal
MAX = 0
j = 1
for (k in 1:length(l)) {
if(k!=a) {
if (MAX<l[k]) {
MAX = l[k]
j = k
Thanks everyone for your contribution. I figured out how to go about the problem. The is as below;
X=(int_mat*str_mat)*pop ## creating a matrix of interaction, competition strength and population densities
introwsums_greater=which(IntRowsums>2,arr.ind = T)
if (length(introwsums_greater)>1){
a= sample(introwsums_greater,1)
if (sum(int_mat[a,])< n){
q= ABX[a,]
j_k=which(q!=q[a] & q!=0,arr.ind = T) ## from the sampled row in str_mat check the position of all zeros