I have a file:
And I want the resulting arrays to be of the form:
String[] symbols = {A, B, C, ...}
Double[] frequencies = {0.3, 0.1, 0.2, ...}
I have figured this out using ArrayList (.add() is nice), but after some design decisions, I want the data in regular arrays. Obviously my implementation below does not work, but it's the closest I've come:
while (scan.hasNextLine()) {
count ++; // Number of lines incremented
String[] parts;
parts = r.split(",");
// Store symbols into its own array
for(int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
syms[i] = parts[0];
// Store frequencies into its own array
for(int i = 0; i < count; i ++)
freqs[i] = Double.parseDouble(parts[1]);
Count keeps track of the amount of scanned lines (true while conditions), which at first seemed unnecessary to me, but I'm trying it now. Hence the help. Thanks.
Solved: i have created an array of 5 but the good procedure is to use array-list to increase decrease the size of array dynamically
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
String[] myArray;
double[] doubleArray = new double[5];
String[] strArray= new String[5];
int inc1=0;
int inc2=0;
FileReader fileReader = new FileReader("test.txt");
Scanner s= new Scanner(fileReader);
myArray= s.next().split(",");
// to store double values
for (String getStr: myArray) {
doubleArray[inc1]= Double.parseDouble(getStr);
// to store string values
else {
for(String ss : strArray){
System.out.println("str value-> : "+ ss);
for(Double nnn : doubleArray){
System.out.println("double value-> : " + nnn);
check its convertible or not if its than it sends true else false
public static boolean isDouble( String input ) {
try {
Double.parseDouble(input );
return true;
catch( Exception e ) {
return false;
Testfile contains:
output :
str value-> : A
str value-> : B
str value-> : C
str value-> : d
str value-> : e
double value-> : 0.3
double value-> : 0.1
double value-> : 0.2
double value-> : 0.4
double value-> : 0.5
hope answered the question if its useful than vote up