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Angular UI date picker validation

In this plunk I have an Angular UI date picker and a message that should be shown only when the date is valid. The problem is that the message is always shown, even when form.$valid is true. Note that if you enter a valid or invalid date and then click on Validate, an alert will display correctly that the date is valid or invalid respectively.

Why is the validation message shown all the time, even when form.$valid is true?


var app = angular.module('ui.bootstrap.demo', ['ui.bootstrap']);

app.controller('ctl', function ($scope) {

    $scope.dtFrom = new Date ();

    $scope.config1 = {};
    $scope.config1.opened = false;
    $scope.open1 = function(event){
         $scope.config1.opened = true;

    $scope.validate = function(form){
        if (!form.$valid) {
           alert("Date invalid");
        else {
           alert("Date valid");



<div ng-controller="ctl">
  <form name="form1" ng-submit="validate(form1)" novalidate>
      <p class="input-group" name="dtFrom" style="width:160px;margin-bottom:0px;">
          <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="dtFrom" 
               is-open="config1.opened"  uib-datepicker-popup="MM-dd-yyyy" 
               close-text="Close" />
           <span class="input-group-btn">
               <button type="button" class="btn btn-default" ng-click="open1($event)">
                  <i class="glyphicon glyphicon-calendar"></i>
      <span ng-show="!form1.dtFrom.$valid">Invalid Date</span>
      <button type="submit">Validate</button>


  • You should create name for the input

     <input type="text" class="form-control" ng-model="dtFrom" 
                       is-open="config1.opened"  uib-datepicker-popup="MM-dd-yyyy" 
                       close-text="Close" name="date" />
          <span ng-show="!$valid">Invalid Date</span>

    Here is plnkr