I am trying to use Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_POINT::mul() function from Crypt::OpenSSL::EC module. It has such C prototype:
int EC_POINT_mul(const EC_GROUP *group, EC_POINT *r, const BIGNUM *n, const EC_POINT *q, const BIGNUM *m, BN_CTX *ctx)
And I need to pass NULL, NULL instead of EC_POINT *q
, const BIGNUM *m
as it made here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/12482384/3090865
But this module has such typemap:
if( ! SvROK( $arg ) ) { croak( \"argument is not an object\" ); }
$var = (${type}) SvIV( SvRV( $arg ) );
if( ! SvROK( $arg ) ) { croak( \"argument is not an object\" ); }
$var = (${type}) SvIV( SvRV( $arg ) );
if( ! SvROK( $arg ) ) { croak( \"argument is not an object\" ); }
$var = (${type}) SvIV( SvRV( $arg ) );
if( ! SvROK( $arg ) ) { croak( \"argument is not an object\" ); }
$var = (${type}) SvIV( SvRV( $arg ) );
if( ! SvROK( $arg ) ) { croak( \"argument is not an object\" ); }
$var = (${type}) SvIV( SvRV( $arg ) );
So, if i'll pass undef or 0, i'll get "argument is not an object" error. Is it possible to make what I want without changing this module? Maybe I can create NULL-based object somehow?
According to the typemap, passing a reference to zero \0
should work:
Crypt::OpenSSL::EC::EC_POINT::mul($group, $r, $n, \0, \0, $ctx);